Monday 7 November 2016

Introduction to Chemistry

Chemistry is one of the 3 main branches of the physical sciences. The other two are biology and physics. Scientists who study chemistry are called chemists. It is said that chemists recreate nature, and everything on earth is made of chemistry.

Examples of chemistry in nature include:
1. Rotting of leaves.
2. Rusting of nails.
3. Drying of wet clothes in the sun.
4. Formation of crude oil & natural gas from dead organisms.
5. Formation of marsh gas in swamps.
6. Fermentation of yeast.

Chemists also help in the production of some essential items we use everyday, such as:
1. Petroleum and petrochemicals.
2. Paints and pigments.
3. Soaps and detergents.
4. Hair and body creams.
5. Plastics and rubber.
6. Food preservatives.

So how has chemistry improved your life today?